Home > If ignorance is bliss, I guess I'll never be blissful

If ignorance is bliss, I guess I'll never be blissful

December 5th, 2006 at 06:21 pm

I am referring to financial ignorance specifically. Sometimes I look at my neighbors and even close relatives who blissfully spend, spend, and spend as if there is no tomorrow and their money is unlimited and I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant as I assume they must be. Well, not really, I don't want to be in their position but I do just wonder what it would feel like for a day or so to keep spending anything you want and never worry about the consequeces. Like I said, I don't really want to be them and definitely not when the consequences really do hit, it is just that sometimes I get so tired of being informed and unignorant (I know, not a word, but I feel like using it anyway). I often feel like life is a giant rollercoaster ride with highs and lows, and if you don't experience the lows, you cannot really appreciate the highs or the ride to the top. It is just that lately I feel like I am getting very tired of the finacial lows and am frustrated not to be at least working slowly back up. DH's new job is off to a very slow start financially and we will still be spending out of the dwindling (and soon to be extinct) savings at least for the forseeable future. Not where I wanted to be when he got a new job so I am back to feeling frustrated. I am making a major assumption to say that those I see around me spending and spending are blissful and ignorant. I guess it is because I could never spend that way unless I was completely ignorant of the financial repurcussions. Sometimes I just get tired of always being so responsible, yet I know darn well acting irresponsibly would only make me feel guilty, not better. Sometimes just getting it all out like this makes me feel much better. Sorry for boring anyone who may actually be trying to follow this little rant of mine. Okay, now that I have ranted, I feel better and can go back to my usual more positive self. Sometimes I just need to get it all out and I don't want my DH to feel like I am nagging him about it.

6 Responses to “If ignorance is bliss, I guess I'll never be blissful”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    i've tried to be 'that guy' before: walk into a store with my allowance and tell myself "blow it all, it's right in your wallet and it's yours to spend on ANYTHING!!!!". seriously, i talked to myself in the car.

    what did i find? the only time i want to spend money is when i don't actually have it. when i've got cash on hand, nothing seems to strike my fancy. i think that's what you might be seeing in the folks around you who are spend happy: they don't have it so they have an urge to spend... weird, but it works that way for me...

  2. jriessel Says:

    We had neighbors that never ate at home - most of their excuses was that they didn't have time to cook or couldn't find anything to eat at home. I talked to them a few weeks ago and she said they spend over $1400 on eating out in one month. OMG!!! We probably don't spend even close to that in a year. I know these people make less money than we do and (now that they moved) live in a bigger house than ours. It totally amazes me - so yes I do think ignorance is bliss for some. I won't ever be blissful either.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Ignorance is no protection when reality bites.

  4. kealina Says:

    i completely understand your rant... i've never been a spender so i can't say i really understand what it feels like but sometimes i wonder... i just want to try it for a day but i know that i can't... like you, it is more likely to make me guilty than happy...
    usually i try to focus on the fact that i'm doing what makes me happy and i try to focus on my long-term goals... the occasional treat also does not go awry as long as we decide we can afford it...

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Rant away, that is what we are here for. we understand!

  6. baselle Says:

    You should rant. It sounds like you're getting a bit tired of watching everything all the time. You need, and you'll get, a second wind.

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